Town Meeting – October 2021
December 28, 2021Town Meeting – December 2021
January 13, 2022Town of Sidney Public Hearing Local Law # 2
November 4th, 2021
7:00 PM
PUBLIC HEARING was called to order at 7:02 p.m. to hear public comments regarding opting out of the Cannabis Dispensary Law within the Town of Sidney.
Eric Wilson | Acting Deputy Supervisor |
James Roberts, Jr | Highway Superintendent |
Frank Selleck | Councilman |
C. Peter Cordes | Councilman |
William Hunt, Jr. | Councilman |
Joseph A. Ermeti | Attorney |
Sheila R Paul | Clerk |
Correspondence Received inserted below:

Discussion was had with residents on the issue, as well as what the rules and regulations are, and the potential revenue the Town can receive.
Acting Deputy Supervisor Eric Wilson stated that there are some good points that will be taken into consideration when the Town Board votes on the local law in December’s meeting. Also, Pete Cordes stated, if the town does opt-out, the town can opt-in later.
The public meeting continued with the hearing of adopting the final 2022 budget. Acting Deputy Supervisor Eric Wilson, stated that there will be no tax increase for 2022. The town has hired CPA firm EFPR Group, LLC to help manage the American Rescue Plan Act, Grant. The Town experienced approximately $225,000 in lost revenue due to COVID-19 and the ARPA money received can be used in the budget to cover court costs and other lost revenue. This enables the town to have a 0% tax increase.
Mr. Wilson asked for a motion to end the public hearing. A motion was made by Mr. Hunt and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, P. Cordes. NAYES: None
The amount of the 2022 tax levy is comparable to the 2021 figure of $ 1,177,386. The budget included slight wage increases for the Town Board Members, Town Justice, Justice Clerks, Assessor, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, and Highway Superintendent. After reviewing each budget line Motion to adopt the 2022 budget was made by Mr. Hunt and seconded by Mr. Cordes and carried. AYES: E. Wilson and F. Selleck. NAYE: None
Regular 2021 Sidney Town Board was called to order by the Acting Deputy Supervisor at 7:35 P.M. November 4, 2021, in the boardroom at 44 Grand Street, Sidney. Prior to the meeting, bills were audited by the Board.
OPENING COMMENTS: Eric Wilson congratulated Bill Heath and Bill Hunt for their wins in the elections. We are waiting for the result of the Supervisor race.
APPROVE TOWN BOARD MINUTES: of Regular Meeting held on October 14, 2021. Motion by Mr. Hunt, seconded by Mr. Cordes and carried. AYES: E. Wilson and F. Selleck. NAYES: None
A Fund Vouchers: 21-265 thru 21-304 in the amount of $ 23,380.10 Motion by
Mr. Hunt, seconded by Mr. Cordes and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
East Sidney Lake Voucher: 21-82 thru 21-86 in the amount of $ 3,223.40 Motion by Mr. Cordes, seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: W. Hunt, F. Selleck NAYES: None
Total General Vouchers: $ 26,603.14
DA Fund Vouchers: 21-126 thru 21-132 in the amount of $ 37,476.02 Motion by Mr. Selleck, seconded by Mr. Cordes and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, W. Hunt NAYES: None
DB Fund Vouchers: 21-67 thru 21-72 in the amount of $ 50,117.70 Motion by Mr. Cordes, seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, W. Hunt NAYES: None
Total Highway Vouchers: $ 87,593.72
Hospital Vouchers: 21-169 thru 21-172 in the amount of $ 7,029.64 Motion by Mr. Hunt, seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: P. Cordes, W. Hunt NAYES: None
Total Vouchers: $ 71,158.92
CORRESPONDENCE: Received notice from Department of Transportation that the speed limit has been lowered to 30 MPH on Wheat Hill Rd between 0.7 miles =/- South of Route 357 and a point 1.2 mile +/- south of Route 357, a distance of 0.5 +/-, in the Town of Sidney. The Town of Sidney is responsible for signing Wheat Hill Rd.
Monthly reports of Supervisor, Bookkeeper, and Town Clerk. The clerk is submitting checks totaling $ 2,907.00 for fees collected during October 2021.
HIGHWAY– James Roberts: Crew is getting the trucks ready for the winter months. Asked the status of the signed Union Contract for the Highway crew. Eric Wilson has and will send it to the town Attorney Joe Ermeti. Union Rep Roberta Dunker will get copies to the Highway crew.
SUPERVISOR– Gave hospital report; See below
BOOKKEEPER-Karen Kopp: Nothing
TOWN CLERK–Sheila Paul: Office will be closed on Veterans Day and the Friday following Veterans Day.
Highway-Selleck & Cordes: New bobcat is being purchased
Hospital- Wilson: Three major projects that need to be done. The air conditioner needs to be upgraded, the transformer needs to be moved outside and the heating oil tanks need to be replaced. Have met with two Engineering firms regarding projects.
Insurance-Cordes: Had a meeting with Bill VanGorder from NYMIR to go over the insurance policy.
Zoning & Planning– Selleck: Need to get the special permit approved by the zoning committee.
East Sidney Lake: Closed, had a good year. Looking forward to next year. Question from resident asked about the beach being opened next year? The response was “we are hoping to have the beach opened” need to work with the New York State Department of Health due to COVID-19
Finance-Wilson: Adopted 2022 Budget
IT- Wilson: Will need a rider for cyber coverage on the insurance policy with NYMIR
DCO liaison– nothing
Transition-Selleck: DMV should be moved in sometime in March or April of 2022
NEW BUSINESS: Need to move the veteran’s office to the space across from the Town Clerk’s office.
COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR: One resident asked about space being rented at the hospital for businesses or educational institutions. Another resident stated that he would like to see emergency mental health support be at the hospital with 24 hours and seven days accessed.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sheila R Paul