Town Meeting – May 2021
June 23, 2021Zoning Laws for the Town of Sidney
August 11, 2021Regular 2021 Sidney Town Board along with Zoom access was called to order by the Acting Deputy Supervisor at 7:00 P.M. June 10, 2021, in the boardroom at 44 Grand Street, Sidney. Prior to the meeting, bills were audited by the Board.
Present were:
Eric Wilson Acting Deputy Supervisor
James Roberts, Jr. Highway Superintendent
C. Peter Cordes Councilman
Frank Selleck Councilman
Eric Wilson Councilman
Joseph A. Ermeti Attorney
Sheila R Paul Clerk
Announced the passing of Gene Pigford and that he will be missed by all.
ZONING Vote: Local Law filing: Local Law 1 of 2021. Mr. Wilson moved for a motion to accept this new local law 1 of 2021. Motion was made by Mr. Selleck and seconded by
Mr. Cordes and carried. AYES: E. Wilson. NAYES: None
APPROVE TOWN BOARD MINUTES of Regular Meeting held on May 13, 2021. Motion by Mr. Cordes seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: E. Wilson. NAYES: None
A Fund Vouchers: 21-145 thru 21-161 in the amount of $ 36,284.84 Motion by Mr. Cordes, seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: E. Wilson. NAYES: None
B Fund Vouchers: 21-5 thru 21-7 in the amount of $ 882.33. Motion by Mr. Selleck, seconded by Mr. Cordes and carried. AYES: E. Wilson. NAYES: None
East Sidney Lake Voucher: 21-27-21-39 in the amount of $ 9,134.53 Motion by Mr. Cordes, seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: E. Wilson. NAYES: None
Sidney Center Lights 21-6 in the amount of $ 228.67 Motion by Mr. Cordes, seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: E. Wilson. NAYES: None
Total General Vouchers: $ 46.530.40
DA Fund Vouchers: 21-76 thru 21-89 in the amount of $ 16,892.49 Motion by Mr. Selleck, seconded by Mr. Cordes and carried. AYES E. Wilson. NAYES: None
DB Fund Vouchers: 21-21 thru 21-32 in the amount of $ 18,214.79 Motion by Mr. Cordes, seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: E. Wilson. NAYES: None
Total Highway Vouchers: $ 35,107.28
Hospital Vouchers: 21-89 thru 21-102 in the amount of $ 106,221.07, voucher # 21-91 was removed in the amount of $ 2036.49 as it was an invoice for Fox Hospital. Motion to pay $106,221.07 by Mr. Selleck seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: P. Cordes. NAYES: None.
Total Vouchers are $ 187,858.75.
Monthly reports of Supervisor, Bookkeeper, and Town Clerk. The clerk is submitting checks totaling $ 1,931.00 for fees collected during May 2021.
HIGHWAY- Highway Superintendent James Roberts: Used the Chips money to pave 2.3 miles of Road 13. Problem with beavers making damage on Fox Farm Road and had Randy Davis come in and set traps. New culvert on Alex Moore Road 4 x 40. Mirror for cemetery is not necessary currently. Mention the O & W shed that is located on Maple Ave, if Maywoods in Sidney Center wants it, Pete Cordes stated “no they do not want it”, feels it is in very poor condition.
Joe Ermeti Town Attorney spoke about getting a quick claim deed for property located in Sidney Center, lot size is 170 x 80. Motion to accept the quick claim deed was made by Mr. Selleck, seconded by Mr. Cordes, and carried. AYES: E. Wilson. NAYES: None
BOOKKEEPER-Karen Kopp- Nothing
TOWN CLERK- Sheila Paul Starting July 1st to August 31st, the Clerk’s office will be closed on Friday.
Highway-Selleck & Cordes:
Hospital- Wilson & Pigford: Nothing
Insurance-Cordes: Meeting with Bill VanGorder on Monday, June 14th to talk about the cost of the policy.
Zoning & Planning: Passed new Zoning law. Local law 1 of 2021
East Sidney Lake: Cordes & Wilson – John Nolan: park manager stated that all is good. New electric installed and working with no issues. Working on the Basketball court and installing 4 new cameras.
Finance-Pigford- Nothing
IT-Wilson & Pigford: Looking for photos of Sidney for the new webpage. Sheila will be getting trained soon.
DCO liaison- Pigford Many calls that were not for the town.
Transition: Selleck and Pigford: Michael Angellotti is the new rep for the Veterans office. Grant is still going; it is at the finance committee the grant is for 200,000.
Howard Finch made a comment about the shoulders on Road 13.
Appointing of William Hunt, Jr for the vacant seat of Jeanette Hinkley. Mr. Wilson made a motion to appoint William Hunt, Jr for the 2-year vacant seat, seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES; P. Cordes. NAYES: None
At 7:34 p.m. Mr. Wilson moved to adjourn the meeting, motion was made by Mr. Cordes and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: E. Wilson NAYES: None
Next Meeting scheduled for July 8th at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Sheila R Paul