Town Meeting – October 2022
November 17, 2022Town Meeting – December 2022
January 13, 2023Sidney Town Supervisor Eric Wilson called a public hearing at 7:00 p.m. to vote on the preliminary 2023 budget.
The amount of the 2023 tax levy is comparable to the 2022 figure of $ 1,177,386. The budget included slight wage increases for Town Justice, Justice Clerks, Assessor, Town Clerk, Deputy Town Clerk, and Highway Superintendent. After reviewing each budget line Motion to adopt the 2022 budget was made by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: B. Heath, P. Muratore. NAYE: None
The Regular meeting of the Sidney Town Board was called to order by the Supervisor at 7:15 p.m. on November 10, 2022, in the boardroom at 44 Grand Street, Sidney. Prior to the meeting, bills were audited by the Board.
Present were:
Eric Wilson | Supervisor |
James Roberts, Jr. | Highway Superintendent |
Bill Heath | Councilman |
Bill Hunt, Jr | Absent |
Frank Selleck | Councilman |
Paul Muratore | Councilman |
Joseph A. Ermeti | Attorney |
Sheila R Paul | Clerk |
Speakers: Amy Brazie head of Marketing for Green’s Greenery, updated the status of the cannabis dispensary that will be located next to the Long River Inn. In a couple of months, she will be doing community outreach to educate people about the dispensary and the legal rights and responsibilities of cannabis users.
Wells Bridge Fire Department represented by Patrick Wilsey made a request to the Town for financial support to replace their 1997 Chevy Tahoe which is used for the first response vehicle. The vehicle needs repairs and they are looking to purchase a 2023 4 WD Chevy Silverado 2500HD total cost of $ 73,130.00. Asking for financial assistance from municipalities to that it provides fire services. Looking to see if the Town would be able to use some of the American Rescue Act funds that the town received. Wells Bridge Fire department has responded to 37 calls in the Town of Sidney, 25 of them were emergency medical services calls. Several people spoke on the behalf of the Wells Bridge fire department. Mr. Wilson’s rely on was that “ There is no question that we would like to help” We need to look into how the money can be used and so a decision cannot be made at this time. But the board should have an answer at the December meeting.
See comments from the floor.
APPROVE TOWN BOARD MINUTES: of Regular Meeting held on October 13, 2022, Motion to accept minutes, by Mr. Selleck seconded by Mr. Heath and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
General A Fund Voucher: 22-385 thru 22-434 in the amount of $ 27,813.01 Motion by Mr. Selleck, seconded by Mr. Muratore and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, B . Heath. NAYES: None
General B Fund Voucher: 22-11 thru 2-12 in the amount of $ 465.19. Motion by Mr. Heath and seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: P. Muratore, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
East Sidney Lake Voucher: 22-73 thru 22-81 in the amount of $ 4,492.82 Motion by Mr. Muratore seconded by Mr. Heath and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
Total General Vouchers: $32,771.02
Highway DA Fund Vouchers: 22-145 thru 22-155 in the amount of $ 8,863.12 Motion by Mr. Heath seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
Highway DB Fund Vouchers: 22-57 thru 22-64 in the amount of $ 27,103.84 Motion by Mr. Muratore and seconded by Mr. Heath and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
Total Highway Vouchers: $ 35,966.96
CM Hospital Fund Vouchers: 22-173 thru 22-194 in the amount of $ 59,497.08 Motion by Mr. Selleck seconded by Mr. Heath and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, P. Muratore. NAYES: None.
Total Vouchers paid: $ 128,235.06
CORRESPONDENCE: Youth for Christ Run in April 2023. A motion needs to allow the Organization to use Town Roads. A motion was made by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Muratore and carried. AYES: F. Selleck, B. Heath. NAYES: none
Monthly reports of Supervisor, Bookkeeper, and Town Clerk. The clerk is submitting checks totaling $ 3548.00 in fees collected during October 2022.
HIGHWAY– Highway Superintendent- James Roberts: A 45 mph speed sign has been placed on Gibson Hill Rd; the cost was $1,000 which didn’t include labor. Mr. Roberts has requested county engineers to help with a potential landslide situation near Exit 10 off Interstate 88 ( Back River Rd). The Highway dept has installed a concrete security block at this time.
Had a beaver problem on Fox Farm Road which was creating culverts getting clogged. Screens have been placed over pipes which seems to be helping the problem.
Mr. Roberts had the motion to place a legal notice for Seasonal road closures. The following roads will be closed from November 15th to April 15th. The back side of Lawton Hill road to the Franklin Town line, DuMond Rd, Arabian Way, and a section of Gallop Hill Road to the Masonville Town line. Also, he stated that “any personal property obstructing the plowing of a Town Road is not voluntarily removed by the owner it may be removed by the Town at the owner’s expense. Any damage to mailboxes and fences when the Highway department is maintaining the roads during the winter months will not be replaced or repaired by the town.
Motion made by Mr. Selleck to place a legal notice for road closure and seconded by Mr. Heath and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
SUPERVISOR– Eric Wilson: See Hospital
BOOKKEEPER– Karen Kropp: Nothing to report
TOWN CLERK– Sheila Paul- Holiday office hours: Office will be closed Thursday, November 24, and Friday, November 25th for Thanksgiving. Friday, December 23rd, and Monday, December 26th Christmas, and Friday, December 30th, and January 2nd for New Year.
Looking into doing the vouchers and abstract for the bills in the office.
Getting ready for tax season.
Highway-Selleck & Wilson: Nothing
Hospital– Hunt/ Wilson: Roof and oil tank projects are complete.
Insurance–Heath / Hunt: JR Bogart will be presenting at our December meeting.
Zoning & Planning– Muratore/ Selleck: Public hearing is scheduled for December 8th to discuss amending Zoning laws. The meeting will be at 6:30 p.m. before the Board meeting at 7:00 p.m.
East Sidney Lake– Heath/ Selleck: Lake is closed, and it was a good year.
Finance-Muratore-Wilson: Looking at T-bills investing and will have information at the December meeting.
IT– Hunt/ Muratore- Looking at having a new webpage launch in December 2022
DCO liaison– Heath: Nothing
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Wilson asked for a motion to move into the executive session at 7:32 pm to discuss the primary care clinic lease. The motion was seconded by Mr. Heath and carried. AYES: F. Selleck, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
Mr. Wilson asked for a motion to come out of the executive session at 8:21 pm. was seconded by Mr. Muratore and carried. AYES F. Selleck, B. Heath. NAYE: None

At 8:22 p.m. Mr. Wilson motioned to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Mr. Muratore and carried.
AYES: B. Heath, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
The next Regular Board Meeting will be on December 8, at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheila R Paul, Town Clerk