Town Meeting – November 2022
December 16, 2022Sidney Town Supervisor Eric Wilson called a public hearing on December 8th, 2022 at 6:30 p.m. to hear a discussion on amending Zoning laws.
The following are the proposed changes to the zoning law pertaining to flag lots. The prosed changes include requiring that the access strip e a minimum of 60 feet wide, increasing the mandatory flag lot size from one acre to five acres, mandating that no building larger than 120 square feet would be permitted on the access strip, and having a minimum road frontage of 250 feet.
Several residents of Hamlet View read statements, which are attached below, along with letters the Town received.
Shelly Johnson-Bennett, Director of the Delaware County Planning Board answered questions and provide information, she acknowledges that Hamlet View Estate is an established subdivision recognized in the Town’s comprehensive plan as something to emulate and preserve. Ms. Johnson-Bennett has stated that flag lots can be useful. As Property owners are entitled to reap the greatest benefits possible from their property while taking into consideration the rights of their neighbors. There needs to be a balance. Ms. Johnson-Bennett proposed a possible solution. There is a very specific zoning overlay for planned communities and Hamlet View Estate may warrant this. Eric Wilson, Town Supervisor will be scheduling a workshop to discuss the possibility of zoning overlays.
At 7:15 p.m. Mr. Wilson motioned to adjourn the public meeting and it was seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: B. Heath, B. Hunt, F. Selleck. Nayes: none.
Amendments to the Town of Sidney Zoning laws
Flag lots-
a. Flag lots are defined in the definitions however they are not referenced in any of the districts.
A proposed change in Article XI Supplemental Regulations Add- Section 1125
Flag lots may be permitted by the Planning Board during the subdivision review process, where appropriate, to allow for the economic development of backland areas and only under the following conditions:
- The access strip of land shall be a minimum of sixty (60) feet wide.
- The minimum lot area, lot width, and lot depth requirements shall be met exclusively with the land contained in the access strip.
- No buildings greater than 120 square feet shall be constructed, and no more than one building is permitted on the narrow access strip of a flag lot.
- No more than one flag lot shall be served by a single access strip.
- Access strips shall be a minimum distance apart of at least the minimum lot width in the zoning district.
- The access strip should be owned in fee simple absolute by the owner.
- No more than one lot or 20% of the lots, whichever is greater, in a residential subdivision shall be flag lots.
- Access strips up to 800 feet in length may be allowed provided the grade does not exceed 10%. The Code/Zoning Officer or Planning Board may require a grade certification by a licensed or registered design professional.
- No more than one residential dwelling shall be permitted per flag lot. A two-family residence is permissible if permitted in other sections of zoning.
- Driveway or roadway specifications shall be compliant with the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code.
- One flag lot per minor subdivision shall be permitted
Lot Size-
A proposed change in Article VII- Residential – Agricultural District Regulations Modify Section 702
Minimum lot size shall be 5 acres
Add Section 702
6. Minimum road frontage of 250 feet
Add section 605-D in the Residential district
Minimum road frontage of 100 feet
In executive summary
Change the word “Ordinance” to “Law”
Below are the letters that we received and the ones that were read at the public hearing.

The Regular meeting of the Sidney Town Board was called to order by the Supervisor at 7:15 p.m. on December 8, 2022, in the boardroom at 44 Grand Street, Sidney. Prior to the meeting, bills were audited by the Town Board.
Present were:
Eric Wilson | Supervisor |
James Roberts, Jr. | Highway Superintendent |
Bill Heath | Councilman |
Bill Hunt, Jr | Councilman |
Frank Selleck | Councilman |
Paul Muratore | Councilman |
Joseph A. Ermeti | Attorney |
Sheila R Paul | Clerk |
Speakers: Bill VanGorder from NBT Insurance presented the insurance policy coverage and premium changes to the board, which the premium has a 7.5% increase, but includes an increased blanket coverage limit and accounts for an additional highway department vehicle. The motion to renew the insurance policy was made by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: B. Heath, B. Hunt, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
Cyber Liability coverage isn’t included, so Mr. VanGorder is looking at getting a quote from a broker that has access to the Cyber market and will be back in touch with that information for the Town.
APPROVE TOWN BOARD MINUTES: of Regular Meeting held on November 8, 2022, Motion to accept minutes, by Mr. Muratore seconded by Mr. Heath and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, F. Selleck, B. Hunt. NAYES: None
General A Fund Voucher: 22-435 thru 22-464 in the amount of $ 43,850.31 Motion by Mr. Heath, seconded by Mr. Muratore and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, F. Selleck B. Hunt. NAYES: None
General B Fund Voucher: 22-13 thru 2-15 in the amount of $ 2901.38. Motion by Mr. Muratore and seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, B. Heath, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
East Sidney Lake Voucher: 22-82 thru 22-86 in the amount of $ 8,096.16 Motion by Mr. Selleck seconded by Mr. Muratore and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, B. Heath, B. Hunt. NAYES: None
Total General Vouchers: $57,749.23
SL Sidney Center Light Fund: 21-11 in the amount of $ 598.56. Motion by Mr. Heath and seconded by Mr.Wilson and carried. AYES: F. Selleck, B. Hunt, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
Total Sidney Center Lights: $598.56
Highway DA Fund Vouchers: 22-156 thru 22-173 in the amount of $ 36,749.52 Motion by Mr. Muratore seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, B. Heath, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
Highway DB Fund Vouchers: 22-65 thru 22-69 in the amount of $ 24,118.77 Motion by Mr. Selleck and seconded by Mr. Heath and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, B. Hunt, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
Total Highway Vouchers: $ 60,868.29
CM Hospital Fund Vouchers: 22-195 thru 22-211 in the amount of $ 25,799.11 Motion by Mr. Muratore seconded by Mr. Heath and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, F. Selleck, B. Hunt. NAYES: None.
Total Vouchers paid: $ 145,015.19
Monthly reports of Supervisor, Bookkeeper, and Town Clerk. The clerk is submitting checks totaling $ 3,049.00 in fees collected during November 2022
HIGHWAY– Highway Superintendent- James Roberts: Have sanded roads 3 times in November, and have been doing vehicle maintenance. Stated that the 2004 International tandem truck is to have rust issues and will need to be replaced soon, a new truck is around $ 250,000. Highway Department has 10 trucks and 5 of them are 10 years old.
SUPERVISOR– Eric Wilson: Nothing
BOOKKEEPER– Karen Kropp: Nothing to report
TOWN CLERK– Sheila Paul- Asked if the Planning Board records could be moved into a filing draw in the council room. The office will be closed Friday, December 23rd, and Monday the 26th for Christmas. Spoke with someone about the X-Rays in the Hospital and looking at getting information on how to recycle them. Have information at next meeting in January.
Highway-Selleck & Wilson: Nothing
Hospital– Hunt/ Wilson: Looking at leasing part of the building and the furnace in the clinic building.
Insurance–Heath / Hunt: See Speaker notes
Zoning & Planning– Muratore/ Selleck: Planning board to look at Amending Zoning laws and looking at Overlay options. A motion made to have a public meeting for the amending of the zoning laws was made by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried. AYES: F. Selleck, B. Heath, P. Muratore. NAYES. None
East Sidney Lake– Heath/ Selleck: Report was given by John Nolan: E. Sidney Lakes Manager. Asked for a motion to purchase a 2108 RAM 3500 in the amount of $ 39,500. A motion was made by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: B. Heath, B. Hunt, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
Finance-Muratore-Wilson: Investment of the T-bill balance was transferred back into NBT Account for a short term.
IT– Hunt/ Muratore- Working on the Edmunds Gov Contract and new website.
DCO liaison– Heath: Nothing
EXECUTIVE SESSION: Mr. Wilson asked for a motion to move into the executive session at 8:20 pm Wells Bridge Fire Department and personnel. A motion was seconded by B. Hunt and carried. AYES: F. Selleck, B. Heath, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
Mr. Wilson asked for a motion to come out of the executive session at 8:45 pm. was seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried. AYES F. Selleck, B. Heath. P. Muratore. NAYE: None
A motion was made by Mr. Selleck to give $ 8,000 to Wells Bridge Fire Department for a purchase of a first responded vehicle, with monies that the Town received from the American Rescue Plan it was seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, B. Heath, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
Resolution 2-2022 Adoption of the Delaware Cty Mulit-Jurisdictional all Hazards Mitigation plan update.
The motion to approve Resolution 2-2022 was made by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Muratore and carried.
AYES: F. Selleck, B. Heath, B. Hunt. NAYES: None
Debra Tompkins-Cornett, President of the Prospect Hill Cemetery announced that she and the treasurer would be stepping down as of January 1, 2023. She is looking for individuals that are interested in taking on these positions. These positions are all volunteers and should be a resident of Sidney. Without a Board for the Prospect Hill Cemetery, the Town would need to take it over.
At 8:55 p.m. Mr. Wilson motioned to adjourn the meeting and it was seconded by Mr. Hunt and carried.
AYES: B. Heath, F. Selleck, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
The next Regular Board Meeting and Organizations Meeting will be on January 5, 2023, at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheila R Paul, Town Clerk