April 8, 2021, in the boardroom at 44 Grand Street, Sidney. Prior to the meeting, bills were audited by the Board.
Present were:
R. Eugene Pigford Supervisor
James Roberts, Jr. Highway Superintendent
C. Peter Cordes Councilman
Frank Selleck Councilman
Eric Wilson Councilman
Joseph A. Ermeti Attorney
Sheila R Paul Clerk
Dan Wilbur Code Officer
The public Hearing was called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Several concerned Sidney residents at the meeting and several others on Zoom made remarks regarding the zoning proposal-specifically farming, multi-family housing, campgrounds, event permits. The Zoning committee has an upcoming meeting on Zoom Saturday April 10, 2021 Town Supervisor Pigford suggested submitting their concerns for the committee to review and discuss. Among the residents was Mary Ann Crowley and Duane Martin president of the Delaware Cty Farmer Bureau.
Public meeting adjourns at 7:44 p.m.
Regular 2021 Sidney Town Board along with Zoom access was called to order by the Supervisor at 7:45 p.m.
“We must build a new world, a far better world — one in which the eternal dignity of man is respected.”
Harry S. Truman May 8, 1884, 33rd President of the United States
“As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.
John F. Kennedy, May 29, 1917, 35th President of the United States
APPROVE TOWN BOARD MINUTES of Regular Meeting held on March 11, 2021. Motion by Mr. Selleck seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, Mr. Cordes.
A Fund Vouchers: 21-94 thru 21-116 in the amount of $ 21,185.27 Motion by Mr. Selleck, seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, P. Cordes. NAYES: None
B Fund Vouchers: 21-2 in the amount of $ 34.73 Motion by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Cordes and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
East Sidney Lake Vouchers: 21-10 thru 21-14 in the amount of $ 4,783.61 Motion by Mr. Cordes and seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried AYES: G. Pigford, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
Sidney Center Lights 21-4 in the amount of $ 223.54 Motion by Mr. Cordes, seconded by Mr. Pigford. AYES: E. Wilson, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
Total General Vouchers: $ 26,277.15
DA Fund Vouchers: 21-51 thru 21-63 in the amount of $7,900.25 Motion by Mr. Selleck, seconded by Mr. Pigford and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, P. Cordes NAYES: None
DB Fund Vouchers: 21-7 thru 21-12 in the amount of $ 15.759.45 Motion by Mr. Cordes and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, Mr. Wilson. NAYES: None
Total Highway Vouchers: $ 26,69.70
Hospital Vouchers: 21-46 thru 21-61 in the amount of $ 44,567.31 Motion by Mr. Wilson seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, P. Cordes. NAYES: None.
Total Vouchers are $ 94,454.16.
Letter from Division of Veterans Affairs indicating that they were interviewing candidates for a local VA representative and hoped to fill the position by mid-May.
Monthly reports of Supervisor, Bookkeeper and Town Clerk. Clerk is submitting checks totaling $ 1,195.00 for fees collected during March 2021.
HIGHWAY– Highway Superintendent James Roberts: Called Delaware Cty Sheriff’s as several road signs have been stolen on several roads in Sidney Center area, estimate cost to replace is about $ 500.00.
Town of Sidney Clean up days will be May 6 & May 7th from 7:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Notice will be placed in the Daily Star, also will place flyer on Town office Bulletin board.
The Fuel and mowing bids were opened April 1,2021 and the following businesses were awarded.
Lowest bid for Fuel was Mirabito Fuel. Motion to accept was made by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Pigford and carried. AYES: P. Cordes, F. Selleck. NAYES: None.
Lowest bid for Sidney Center mowing was DuMond Contactor with the bid being $ 2, 625.00. Motion to accept was made by Mr. Cordes and seconded by Mr. Pigford and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, F. Selleck. NAYES: None.
State Budget Letter: Resolution 21- 5 To send letters from each board member for CHIPS money. Motion made by Mr. Selleck and seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, P. Cordes. NAYES: None
SUPERVISOR– Gene Pigford
TOWN CLERK– Looking at getting a quote for Town webpage from Bill Gruber & Helen McLean. Presented a resolution to allow Town Clerk to perform marriages in the Town of Sidney. Provided information to Frank Selleck to discuss resolution further at next meeting.
March taxes are done, tax season ends April 30, 2021. Town Clerk will be having shoulder surgery April 14th and will be out of the office for about week and half to 2 weeks. Office will be cover by first deputy Julie Stevens and second deputy Bill Heath. Will be working from home, and checking messages.
Highway-Selleck & Cordes: Guys are doing winter clean up. Union contract is up negotiations this year-2021.
Hospital- Wilson & Pigford
Nate’s still waiting for this new tractor.
COVID testing is still available.
Insurance-Cordes Bill VanGorsh will be coming next month (May) meeting to discuss increase of insurance cost.
Zoning & Planning: Pigford & Selleck – A Public Hearing was held prior to this evening’s meeting. The Town is awaiting word from the County regarding the SEQR and Abstract, the County is preparing after its review.
East Sidney Lake– Cordes & Wilson: Electric is completed, entrance shed was delivered and well casing has been extended.
Finance-Pigford: Everyone has the monthly financial.
IT-Wilson & Pigford: Looking at new website.
DCO liaison– Pigford:
Dog Control Officer Inspection Report
March 2021 Report Calls and Complaints
March 3rd – resident called from Wheat Hill Retreat,2 dogs running loose no tags transported to DVHS. GSD and Pit Unneutered
March 16th FB post same 2 dogs wandering, did not go and owner got them.
March 21st 1:50 PM
Resident from DeWitt Drive. in village called to report Deer jumped fence and was injured by fencing, ran off, DEC was contacted.
A few various calls, some for licensing, and Rabies,
Rabies clinics to start next month.
Transition: Selleck and Pigford: Our current generators are not hooked up. Nate is proposing installing a junction q, conduit, and hardware to supply power to our heating system. 44 Grand St also needs update, would like to motion at the next meeting to move forward on updating the power system that runs the heating system, due to unpredictable weather and recent power outages within the Town.
As per Town’s procurement policy Nate has obtained two bids that are $150 difference. The lower bid is from Matco, Nate has experience working with them previously. The total cost is $4100.00.
Clerk had a pulled down shade installed on walk up window.
Letter sent regarding Grant.
Town Assessor Linn Wilson has announced her intention to retire in approximately six months. The Supervisor has asked that a public notice advertising the position be posted and that an interviewing committee comprised of Linn Wilson, Frank Selleck and Pete Cordes, to interview candidates and present to the board.
At 8:28 p.m. Mr. Pigford moved to adjourn the meeting, motion was made by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, Cordes. NAYES: None