Town Meeting – January 2021
January 29, 2021Town Meeting – March 2021
March 15, 2021Regular 2021 Sidney Town Board along with Zoom access was called to order by the Supervisor at 7:04 P.M. February 11, 2021, in the boardroom at 44 Grand Street, Sidney. Prior to the meeting, bills were audited by the Board.
Present were:
R. Eugene Pigford Supervisor
James Roberts, Jr. Highway Superintendent
C. Peter Cordes Councilman
Frank Selleck Councilman
Eric Wilson Councilman
Joseph A. Ermeti Attorney
Sheila R Paul Clerk
John Nolan ESL
George Washington February 22, 1732
William Henry Harrison February 9, 1773
Abraham Lincoln. February 12, 1809
Ronald Reagan. February 6, 1911
William Henry Harrison has the distinction of having the longest inaugural speech in history, 1 hour and 45 minutes, and the shortest term In Office, 30 days.
And to that Good Being who has blessed us by the gifts of civil and religious freedom, who watched over and prospered the labours of our fathers and has hitherto preserved to us institutions far exceeding in excellence those of any other people, let us unite in fervently commending every interest of our beloved country in all future time.
His final words were to Vice President John Tyler, Sir, I wish you to understand the true principles of government. I wish them carried out. I ask no more.”
Special Recognition – Karen Wakeman
Karen Sastra-Wakeman
Court Clerk
Sidney Town Court Sidney, New York
Dear Karen,
You have given faithful service to the Town of Sidney Court for over 3 decades.
The Town Justice Honorable Steve Rose has observed that “for my entire tenure, she (Karen) has made me look good, kept me out of trouble and, most importantly, assured that our Court’s financial audit reports always came out perfect every day, every month and every year. Karen’s 32 years of service to the Town of Sidney Court have been invaluable and she can never be replaced.”
Karen, for this exemplary service you have given to the Town of Sidney, we join with Town Justice Rose and members of the Court staff, as well as Town Board members in expressing our deepest gratitude and thanks to you for your service and the spirit in which it has been offered.
We wish for you every success and joy in your future endeavors.
May God bless you.
Gene Pigford, Supervisor
Township of Sidney
APPROVE TOWN BOARD MINUTES of Regular Meeting held on January 7, 2021. Motion by Mr. Wilson seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, Mr. Cordes. NAYES: None
- Fund Vouchers: 21-31 thru 21-65 in the amount of $ 36,807.00 Motion by Mr. Selleck, seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, P. Cordes. NAYES: None
- Fund Voucher: 21-1 thru 21-1 in the amount of $ 145.00 Motion by Mr. Cordes seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
East Sidney Lake Voucher: 21-2 thru 21-6 in the amount of $ 3,410.16 Motion by Mr. Wilson, seconded by Mr. Cordes and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, F. Selleck NAYES: None
SL Sidney Center Lights 21-1 thru 21-2 in the amount of $ 464.27 Motion by Mr. Cordes, seconded by Mr. Pigford. AYES: E. Wilson, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
Total General Vouchers: $ 40,826.72
DA Fund Vouchers: 21-13 thru 21-31 in the amount of $33,136.92 Motion by Mr. Selleck, seconded by
Mr. Cordes and carried. AYES E. Pigford, E. Wilson. NAYES: None
DB Fund Vouchers: 21-6 in the amount of $34.99 Motion by Mr. Cordes, seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, E. Wilson, NAYES: None
Total Highway Vouchers: $ 33,171.91
Hospital Vouchers: 21-13 thru 21-30 in the amount of $ 16,637.35 Motion by Mr. Cordes seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: Pigford, F. Selleck. NAYES: None.
Total Vouchers are $ 90,635.98.
The Town has received written notices from Pam Gilbert Deputy, Clerk and Julie Steven, Court
Clerk. The conclusion of their services to the Town are the dates of January 26th and March 4th, respectively. Replacements will be announced in due course.
Monthly reports of Supervisor, Bookkeeper and Town Clerk. Clerk is submitting checks totaling $ 722.00 for fees collected during January 2020.
HIGHWAY– Highway Superintendent James Roberts: All town highway personnel will have the COVID vaccines by Monday February 15th. Each town worker has 48 hours of overtime, due to winter storms. The department serviced the Sidney Center ambulance (change oil), replaced wing blades and plow blades on trucks, and repaired lights on the truck along with other repairs. Got a load of salt from Delaware County.
SUPERVISOR– Gene Pigford
Judge Greg McCann has asked for the Town Board to approve Court Clerk Sierra Bullis to be hired for 25 hours weekly @ $15.00/hr. Motion was made by Mr. Cordes and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, E. Wilson. NAYES: None
BOOKKEEPER– Karen Kropp: AUD report on consolidate health that needs to be reviewed.
TOWN CLERK– Sheila Paul January taxes collected, checks have been issued to the Town Supervisor and to the Delaware County Treasurer office.
Highway-Selleck & Cordes: The highway dept has used 315 tons of ice melt so far this year. And last year a total of 450 tons for the year. Per Jamie: the limit is 450 tons, if you go over there is a surge charge every 100 ton and the charge is $ 72.00 a ton. Hospital– Wilson and Pigford: Nothing
Insurance-Cordes: Nothing
Zoning & Planning: Pigford & Selleck – COOP Plan. Concern was expressed about the possible financial duress that could potentially affect then Township if the proposal were approved in its present format. The Town Attorney will redraft those portions of the document that are of a concern.
Peter Cordes mentioned that there is a Sidney Center resident that has concerns about the Maywood district as described in the Zoning proposal, he suggested that they have a meeting with the Sidney Center residents regarding the concern.
Suggested schedule for processing the Zoning Draft.
Already posted on Town website
All written public comments due by March 12th
Final Zoning version forwarded to County March 17th
Open Hearing April 8
Final Board vote May 13th
East Sidney Lake: Cordes & Wilson – ESL Water Supply- Correspondence has been received from the Dept of Health outlining procedures to be followed in maintaining and reporting water quality. The information was forwarded to the ESL Campground director for follow-up. NYSE & G working on electric all is going well. Shed for office at entrance to Lake will take 6 to 8 weeks (12 x 32) need motion to purchase in the amount of $ 9090.00. Motion was made by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried AYES: G. Pigford, P. Cordes. NAYES: None Looking for a well company to look at the well casing that was reported not be at code during the inspection.
Finance-Pigford-The bookkeeper is currently working on the AUD year-end report and should have it ready for the March meeting.
IT-Wilson & Pigford: Website up and running again.
DCO liaison– Pigford: Dog Control Officer Inspection Report
January 2021 Report Calls and Complaints Location
Several calls in Sidney Center area of Dogs chasing Deer, referred all to DEC.
- Feb 3rd, resident called reporting 2 Labs running her yard and entered her house, she called phone number on collar and owner was coming to pick up – WAS LOCATED IN TOWN OF BAINBRIDGE SO NOT OURS.
- Had inspection from the DCO and we received a satisfactory. We get these inspections periodically.
Transition: Selleck and Pigford: Need to investigate the ice that forms on the outside of building. It a safely issue.
Motion made at 7:56 p.m. by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Cordes to enter executive session and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
Discussion with the Village Mayor Andy Matviak.
Motion to come out of Executive Session made at 8:19 p.m. by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr.
Selleck and carried. AYES: Pigford, P. Cordes. NAYES: None
At 8:22 p.m. Mr. Pigford moved to adjourn meeting, motion was made by Mr. Wilson and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: G. Pigford, Cordes. NAYES: None