Town Meeting – February 2022
March 16, 2022Tentative Tax Roll
May 4, 2022The Regular meeting of the Sidney Town Board was called to order by the Deputy Supervisor at
7:00 p.m. March 10, 2022, in the boardroom at 44 Grand Street, Sidney. Prior to the meeting, bills were audited by the Board.
Present were:
Eric Wilson | Supervisor |
James Roberts, Jr. | Highway Superintendent |
Bill Heath | Councilman |
Bill Hunt, Jr | Councilman |
Frank Selleck | Councilman |
Paul Muratore | Councilman |
Joseph A. Ermeti | Attorney- |
Sheila R Paul | Clerk |
APPROVE TOWN BOARD MINUTES: of Regular & Organization Meeting held on February 10, 2022, Motion to accepted minutes, by Mr. Muratore seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried.
AYES: E. Wilson, B. Heath, F. B. Hunt. NAYES: None
General A Fund Voucher: 22-72 thru 22-98 in the amount of $ 16,866.93 Motion by Mr. Hunt seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: B. Heath, P. Muratore, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
B Fund Voucher: 22-2 thru 22-4 in the amount of $335.99 Motion by Mr. Heath seconded by Mr. Muratore and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, B. Hunt, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
SL Sidney Center Street Light: 22-3 in the amount of $ 248.67. Motion by Mr. Selleck seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: B. Heath, Mr. Hunt, P. Muratore NAYES: None
Total General Vouchers: $17,451.59
Highway DA Fund Vouchers: 22-40 thru 22-58 in the amount of $ 24,767.09 Motion by Mr. Selleck seconded by Mr. Muratore and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, B. Heath, F. Selleck. NAYES: None
Highway DB Fund Vouchers: 22-6 thru 22-7 in the amount of $ 9,459.91 Motion by Mr. Hunt and seconded by Mr. Selleck and carried. AYES: E. Wilson, B. Heath, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
Total Highway Vouchers: $ 34,227.00
CM Hospital Fund Vouchers: 22-34 thru 22-49 in the amount of $ 17,479.07 Motion by Mr. Selleck, seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: B. Heath, B. Hunt, P. Muratore NAYES: None.
Total Vouchers paid: $ 69,177.66
Monthly reports of Supervisor, Bookkeeper, and Town Clerk. The clerk is submitting checks totaling in
$ 1,114.00 fees collected during February 2022.
HIGHWAY– Highway Superintendent James Roberts
Received a letter from Troop C, regarding traffic hazards onto River Rd, working with NYSLTAP-CLRP and looking at installing signs that will help in advance of the intersection, also marking the curve with a white line to guide motorist. Will respond to Troop C regarding the steps being taken. Need to place mowing bids in the local newspaper, will wait on the material bids at this time. Mr. Wilson motioned to place mowing bids and Mr. Hunt seconded the motion and was carried. AYES: F. Selleck, B. Heath, P. Muratore. NAYES: none Will open bids on April 7th and will announce the winning bid at April’s meeting on April 14th. Town Crew went to OSHA training in Walton. Was out plowing during the last storm.
SUPERVISOR– Eric Wilson- Attending the Supervisor meeting in Delhi and the County is talking about ambulance services. Ray Baker is to talk about the EMT services that Sidney has, which is a non-profit.
BOOKKEEPER– Karen Kropp: Nothing
TOWN CLERK– Sheila Paul: Announce that the Town is having an open house for the new DMV office.
(which was Friday, March 11th)
Highway-Selleck & Wilson: Had a broken water line and that the Village was helpful.
Hospital– Hunt/ Wilson: Committee met with James Roberts and Nate Ouimet to discuss the replacement of oil tanks, the debate is should the tanks be above ground or below ground, getting prices for both. They are also getting bids to replace the sidewalk in front of the Hospital. Which the Town Hwy will help in doing the prep work.
Insurance–Heath / Hunt: Town insurance coverage looks fine, but the town may need to require food trucks and other temporary businesses to show proof of insurance. (Sidney Lake)
Zoning & Planning– Muratore/ Selleck: Working on the special permit with Shelly Johnson-Bennet
East Sidney Lake– Heath/ Selleck: Report from J. Nolan. Getting ready to reopen for the season. Working with the New York State Department of Health to get the beach opened this year, with a lifeguard on duty Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The seasonal rate increased to $1200 but other fees stayed the same. Councilmember Frank Selleck mentioned having a “Hold Harmless Agreement “for renting the pavilion. Also, John is still looking for a truck for a decent price.
Finance-Muratore/ Wilson: Looking into a possible certificate of deposit for town funds and has reached out to two banks.
IT– Hunt/ Muratore: Talking with Delhi Telephone company would like to do a site survey at East Sidney Lake and see if they can provide services and the goal is to be able to provide internet to campers.
DCO liaison– Heath: All is good, had a few calls.
The procurement policy was reviewed, and Mr. Selleck wanted to update it to be able to order online. The motion was made by Mr. Wilson to be able to purchase online (Amazon) and seconded by Mr. Muratore and carried. AYES: F. Selleck, B. Heath, B. Hunt. NAYES: None
Mr. Selleck motioned to purchase 5 rugs for the DMV at the cost of $561.00. Mr. Wilson second and carried. AYES: B. Heath, B. Hunt, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
Supervisor Wilson stated that the town needed an executive session to discuss a personnel matter. Motion made at 7:50 by Mr. Muratore and seconded by Mr. Heath.
At 8:33 p.m. motion to come out of the executive session was made by Mr. Muratore and seconded by Mr. Wilson and carried. AYES: F. Selleck, B. Heath, B. Hunt. NAYES: None
At 8:34 p.m. Mr. Wilson motioned to adjourn the meeting and Mr. Heath seconded and carried AYES: F. Selleck, B. Hunt, P. Muratore. NAYES: None
The next Regular Board Meeting will be on April 14, 2022, at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Sheila R Paul, Town Clerk